A Real Success
Relationship-based family connection program that utilizes strength-based approaches that honor the black culture in South King County, mainly in Federal Way. We routinely provide culturally responsive services as well as promote initiatives that are anchored on a social justice initiative that is driven by a movement and not a moment by providing positive communal spaces for families to come together, connect, and heal. The project focuses on a holistic process that authentically serves families and ensures that each participant in our program has a healthy development throughout the many different stages of life. We also utilize multi-generational approaches that focus on socio economic stability, and promote an equity driven upward mobility trajectory.

Upcoming Community Meetings and Events
Virtual Monthly Community Meeting
7pm Every 2nd Tuesday on Zoom
The Federal Way Black Collective is an organization that is committed to providing voice, building strategy, and driving change in communities of color through policy development and the creation of resources that are equitable and culturally reflective.
Join our Monthly Community Meeting to learn about important developments and let your voice be heard.
Quarterly African American Meeting
A Real Success
Join us as we meet with the City Mayor and Council Members Quarterly to discuss those community issues and concerns most dear to us.